Monday, February 20, 2012

Replicating Only Objects, no data

I need to find a solution for having the same database objects on two servers without the data, and be able to synchronize them on demand.

Whenever a table changes (alter, create, delete) I need to be able to replicate those changes to the destination server without affecting its data.

If I add, alter or delete a stored procedure, or other objects such as functions, etc. I need to be able to see those changes on the destination.

any ideas.

Replication support replicate DDL changes such as table, SP, and function changes. But replication support either both dml and ddl changes, or dml without tracking ddl changes. As your case, you only need ddl change without dml change, replication does not have parameter settings to support this. But, I am sure you can find workaround, as use View instead of Table, which can not query out data. Add View, stored procedure, and functions as articles in replication.

Hope it will help.



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