Saturday, February 25, 2012




I have successfully replicated a database (type : Transactional), but when i have executed a Alter scripts to effect the schema of the database it worked. My concern is whether the replication was done successfully or not ?
Can we change the schema of a replicated database by plain Alter scripts ?
Plz let me know....

RakeshDepending on what you altered. If you want to alter rules or foreign keys without checking replication, you don't have to do anything to the replication setup. But if you change table schma, you need to either use the replication system procedures to change it or you have to drop all subscriptions and initialize them.|||I am able to alter the table schema by using Replication stored procedures, but my concern is, i am also able to change the table schema by simple alter statements on the primary database, but these changes are not making into secondary database i,e subscriber database. Do we get any error Msg trying to alter a table schema of a replicated database ?|||Yes, you should get an error messge when you try to use an ALTER TABLE command against a replicated table. The ALTER TABLE should fail, but it sounds like it is working for you.

Is it possible that the table you are affecting isn't being replicated (either it was never included in a publication, or that its article has been dropped from the publication)?

-PatP|||Yes, you should get an error messge when you try to use an ALTER TABLE command against a replicated table. The ALTER TABLE should fail, but it sounds like it is working for you.

Is it possible that the table you are affecting isn't being replicated (either it was never included in a publication, or that its article has been dropped from the publication)?


In case of merge replication it is not possible to alter repilcated table but for transaction replication it works. Welcome to Microsoft...

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